Creationism and Baraminology Research News

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An ongoing list of creationist research projects. This is not a creationism-verse-evolution site, but a site to publicize the research work done by members of the creationist community and the intelligent design community, or research work by the science community at large constructively relating to creation topics. Evolutionary critiques may be included on occasion but only under special consideration, and especially where the research pertains directly to developing a creationist model.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

BACKDATED: The pre-flood/flood/post-flood boundaries and Creationist stratigraphy

One of the biggest questions in creationist geology is assessing the pre-flood/flood/post-flood boundaries. Before discussing this, it is useful to know what the general creationist geology thinking is in comparison to geology you may have learned elsewhere.

Secular geology usually employs a time-equivalent of rocks. This means that, generally, a given amount of time will produce a given amount of rock. Now, no geologist thinks that this is exactly true, but that is the basic understanding of how rocks form. A large formation was built in a lot of time and a small formation in a short time. I do understand that this is oversimplifying, but again this blog is not to debate which is the correct model, just to help people understand what the creationist model is.

In the creationist model, rocks represent energy-events. Thus, small amounts of rocks in a local area means small amounts of energy, while vast amounts of rock over vast areas means large amounts of energy. In creationism, the two largest energy events were Creation and the Flood. Therefore, the majority of the rocks are going to come from these two events as well. Likewise, the rocks which exhibit the greatest amount of discontinuity from the rocks below, combined with the greatest size and breadth, are likely rocks from the flood. Rocks towards the top of the column which are local in extent and show only minor discontinuities from the rocks below them are more likely to be post-flood rocks.

Anyway, the most important idea is that instead of being time-equivalent, in Creationism rocks are energy-equivalent.

Anyway, all of that to introduce two articles about these boundaries:

The latter one describes more fully how Creationists view geology. The former one is interesting, but it has an especially interesting discussion on created systems and whether or not they were created with the appearance of age.

If you want a good primer on Creationist stratigraphy, see Tas Walker's Biblical Geology site, especially his Geological Model page.

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