Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The Baraminology of Snakes
Anyway, while not identifying holobaramins (original created kinds), Tom was able to identify several monobaramins (organisms part of a single created kind, but that may be joined with other monobaramins to form the complete created kind).
By several lines of evidence, he identified the following monobaramins.
From Boidae: Morelia/Liasis, Python, and Antaresia
From Colubridae: Nerodia, Pantherophis/Lampropeltis/Ptuophis, Diadophis, Thamnophis, Tolucaa/Conopsis, and Chilomeniscus
From Viperidae: Crotalus/Sistrurus, Agkistrodon, and Bitis
Tom identified the question of whether or not snakes represent a holobaramin as an open question.